Tag Archives: internet safety

The Great American Porn Boycott of 2024: What Parents Need To Know

This year, 2024, is turning out to be an interesting one with regards to children’s access to online pornography. Sixteen states have passed new laws requiring stricter levels of proof that a viewer is over the age of 18 before … Continue reading

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More Webinars Added!

We have added more dates for THE TECH-SAFE HOME Webinar! This 4-part webinar is presented in 2 sessions: Session 1: Introduction First Steps to a TECH-SAFE HOME Session 2: Defense In Depth (Software and hardware) The Dangers of Pornography & … Continue reading

Posted in For Pastors, For Professionals, Internet Safety, News, Parenting | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

NEW: Knights’ Quest Ministries’ Social Media App Quick Reference Guide 2019 is available for download!

We’ve created a new Quick Reference Guide for social media apps. It provides a quick description and assessment of risk for children for roughly 40 popular social media apps used by children. Obviously it does not include every app! Please … Continue reading

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Apple’s “Ask To Buy”: What Parents Need To Know

Controlling what apps your child uses is an important part of modern parenting. For those families where both parents and kids are using Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, & iPod) Apple has provided a feature called “Ask to Buy”! Let … Continue reading

Posted in For Pastors, For Professionals, Internet Safety, News, Parenting, What Parents Need To Know (Tech Issues) | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

So, You Think You Can Trust Your Kids On The Internet?

Updated for 2024 “We don’t need to install filters, we trust our kids.” “Our kids wouldn’t be interested in that, and know that it is wrong, so we trust them with their computers in their rooms.” Those are two common … Continue reading

Posted in Internet, Internet Safety, News, Parenting, What Parents Need To Know (Tech Issues) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment