It is EVERYWHERE in our society.
No wonder youth and adults, alike, are confused about what is OK, what is sinful. It is no wonder that many are wounded and crying on the Sexual Battlefield.
It doesn’t help that many elements in our Society continue to attack marriage as unreasonable and unnatural. Today, sex outside of marriage is common in all types of media, and in real life.
How should we react to this as the people of God?
By teaching a view of marriage that limits sex to marriage, but in a positive way.
You see, folks usually talk about sex and marriage:
- In a negative context
- As an obstacle to be overcome
- As a contentious issue
- As an infrequent and boring thing
- As an old fashioned concept.
We need to turn that around.

Here is how we need to discuss marriage and sex:
- Marriage is God’s SAFE ZONE for sexual expression.
- Marriage is God’s SAFE ZONE for love and vulnerability
When sex is limited to marriage, to the SAFE ZONE:
- There is no fear of abuse (ideally, of course)
- Disease is not an issue
- Pregnancy is not a tragedy or emergency
- There are few limits, so long as it stays within the marriage and shows love and respect
- Couples can freely express their love without guilt
- Couples can freely express their love without fear
That is how we should teach purity. It is a thing with positive benefits, not something to keep folks from “having fun”.
It is also the concept we should teach our young children. Instead of referring to a scene of sexual sin on TV as “bad” or “naughty”, we can then state that what the people are doing is outside of God’s SAFE ZONE and is therefore dangerous and a sin. That way we begin to instill a “sex before marriage is dangerous” mentality that will, hopefully, help them remain pure in later years.
For, outside the SAFE ZONE, it is VERY dangerous. Just ask the CDC.
Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. May her breasts satisfy you at all times; may you be intoxicated always by her love.
Proverbs 5: 18-19
What’s YOUR view of God’s design for marriage?
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